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All I can say if you have other options take it. This morning they didn't bring her any breakfast. When we called to complain, they brought her food they know she can't eat. They make her wait hours at night for someone to get her ready for bed. Another resident wanders into her room and won't leave all day. If she falls asleep, this resident steals things out of her drawers.
4 stars compared to the FL average of 3.86 and a National average of 3.33. 1 stars compared to the FL average of 3.55 and a National average of 3.15. 3 stars compared to the FL average of 3.91 and a National average of 3.62.
Map of Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg
Ramona, the company director, was extremely unprofessional and appeared to be disconnected in assisting our family. She is one of the main reasons we removed my aunt from this facility. I called to speak with Ramona regarding an issue with an aide whom I heard speak horribly to my aunt. Ramona seemed just as concerned to point out how difficult my aunt was all while discussing the issue with this aide. I was told our call was not therapeutic and would be disconnected when I explained my frustrations to Ramona. She stated this two times and then disconnected our call.
We have found local resources that can help you evaluate Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg. Close proximity to hospitals and places of worship can be helpful in evaluating a provider. Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg is a nursing home located in Seminole that offers nursing home care.
Care Services Offered
2 stars compared to the FL average of 3.69 and a National average of 3.14. 1 stars compared to the FL average of 2.73 and a National average of 2.77. 1 stars compared to the FL average of 3.48 and a National average of 3.32. Star ratings are often best used for basic comparisons and when deciding which facilities to visit.
Depending on the nursing home, this page can get really long. So, we have also broken up the data onto separate pages to allow you to find what you want more easily. We will keep adding to these pages as we continue to analyze the nursing home database. Add a star to the Adjusted Rating if the Quality Measure Rating is 5-stars. Medical advise or diagnosis or treatment. By using our website, you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy.
Nearby Nursing Homes
He was sent to hospital with the same conditions every month, Sometimes every week. Please do not trust this place they smile in your face while they stab you in the back. I came every day and I saw alot of bad thing''s happen not only to my husband to other people as well. I feel so bad for the people who have no one to check on them. They lie on you when they don''t like you. Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg was given a 2 star overall rating by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , placing it among thelower 20–40%of nursing homes in Florida.

This will help you preview the nursing home prior to scheduling an appointment for visitation at Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg . Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg offers many types of specialized nursing care which include senior care solutions like, personalized nursing home needs tailored to your specific needs. Nursing Homes can be an expensive senior care option, so cost is typically going to be a consideration when looking at alternatives. The average starting cost of this facility is the same as the average cost for the area, $4,819 per month.
Total Licensed Nursing Hours (Registered Nurses + Licensed Practical Nurses + Licensed Vocational Nurses) averages 1.26 hours per day per resident (the national average is 1.4 hours). Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg is a senior living provider in Seminole, Florida that offers residents Nursing Homes. How does Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg compare to other skilled nursing facilities?
This list shows the competitive set within a 25 mile radius. Five different rating results plus detailed inspection numbers and quality measures for Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg. The average fine is nearly $34,000 and around 1,300 nursing homes have received a payment denial. Payment denials happen when a nursing home is not in compliance for an extended period of time. Find a detailed description of Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg a Skilled Nursing Home in Seminole, Florida on here.
You cant find anyone thats actually working on the weekends. If you want to check out this place do it on the weekend so you see what its really like. Also cleanlyness is not important to them either. Should be able to provide special diet accommodations upon request. While 24-hour awake staff is not required by state licensing, certain Memory Care facilities may have caregivers awake at night to accommodate your Loved One. 4 stars compared to the FL average of 3.65 and a National average of 3.12.

Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg should be able to accommodate your Loved One with transportation to and from doctor’s appointments, shopping and religious worship services. The reported incidents and complaints for Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg are totaled in the table above. Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg is a for profit nursing home in Seminole, FL that houses 107 residents. Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg has an Overall Star Rating of 2. Additionally, a Physical Therapist is available an average of 1.92 minutes per day per resident .
Using inspection results from the most recent 3 year time period, CMS selects a group of nursing homes that have the worst repeated inspections as SFFs. Averaging the available ratings gives an aggregate star rating of 2 for Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg versus the FL average of 3.55 and a national average of 3.20. My aunt was a patient for two months in this facility. There were a few amazing staff members that made it tolerable for her and helped ease my worries. Danielle, the front end receptionist was always kind, Kelly, the social worker helped me understand the level of care that would be needed and kept me informed on her progress.

Click here to view the ranked list of nursing homes near Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg. Information on Nursing Home Compare isn't an endorsement or advertisement for any nursing home and should be considered carefully. Use it with other information you gather about nursing homes facilities.
This number fluctuates with each new resident. Skilled nurses, therapists and licensed care professionals are available to guide you through your personalized therapy. Whether you’re recovering after a hospital visit or in need of on-going medical support, Consulate Health Care of St Petersburg will help you achieve your personal goals. Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg is a nursing homes facility located in Seminole, FL.
Nursing homes vary in the quality of care and services they provide to their residents. The below quality ratings for Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg are calculated from three sources - health inspection results, staffing data, and quality measure data. This information gives you an indication of the care Consulate Health Care Of St Petersburg give to their patients. Nursing homes are rated from 1-star to 5-stars with 1-star being the best rating and 5-star being the best rating. For the Health Inspection Rating the nursing homes in each state are ranked based on their weighted three year inspection score.
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